silver SPONSOR
Invetech have partnered with companies around the globe to create breakthrough products and custom automation systems for more than 30 years. We started as an engineering consultancy and have grown into a full-service provider of product realization services with a focus in healthcare markets. We have a global reach with head office locations in Melbourne (Australia), San Diego (USA) & Boxborough (USA). We’ve retained our consultative nature through this evolution, and continue to deliver the best possible outcomes to each of our clients. The experience we’ve acquired over the decades in product design, development and contract manufacturing spans a range of healthcare market sectors including laboratory diagnostics, Point of Care diagnostics, cell and advanced therapies, and life sciences.
industry night sponsor
amog consulting
AMOG is an engineering consulting company that delivers solutions to the offshore energy, resources, maritime, transport, and Defence sectors.
Our reputation is well earned. We solve complex, challenging engineering problems; applying science and technology, combined with clever thinking, to conduct modelling, simulation and testing. We deliver our industry-leading know-how to projects of any scale, around the world, assisting our clients to operate more effectively, profitably, and safely.

MAMEC is currently open to sponsorship opportunities from companies interested in connecting directly with tomorrow's graduates. If this sounds like a great opportunity for you, please do not hesitate to contact us via email at mamec@monashclubs.org to find out more! A sponsorship information brochure will also be available from mid 2020.